US designates Russian shipping entities and vessels and issues Russia-related shipping GL

OFAC has designated 2 Russian shipping entities and 2 vessels connected to attempts to export liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the Arctic LNG 2 project, which is sanctioned by the USpress release. The entities designated, Gotik Energy Shipping Co (Gotik Energy) and Plio Energy Cargo Shipping OPC PVT LTD (Plio Energy), are respectively the owner and commercial manager of LNG carrier, New Energy. New Energy allegedly breached US sanctions by transferring cargo from the Arctic LNG 2 project and is 1 of the vessels designated. The other vessel is the Mulan, which is linked to Plio Energy.

The designations are made pursuant to EO-14024.

OFAC also issued Russia-related General Licence 108, which authorises limited safety and environmental transactions involving Gotik Shipping or Plio Energy or any entity which either owns 50% or more of. It is in force from 5 September 2024.



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