Full name:
Eliferova Irina

Date of Birth:
25 December 1983


Executors, Propagandists

Professional field/official position/biography:

Deputy Head of the Executive Committee of the Moscow Branch of the United Russia Party - Head of the Department of Agitation and Propaganda Work

Born in 1983 in Moscow. In 2006, she graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) with a degree in Political Science.

After graduating from university, Irina Eliferova began her career in the notorious United Russia party (sometimes trying to combine party activities with research: in 2012, she wrote an article in which she called United Russia and the All-Russian Popular Front “instruments of political mobilization ").

Currently he oversees “party propaganda” in the Moscow branch of the party, being the deputy head of the executive committee of this branch and the head of the propaganda department, as well as a member of the regional political council of this party.
For several years she ran the telegram channel “Edrenaya Pravda” , but in April 2023 it was hacked by Ukrainian patriotic activists; she currently runs the telegram channel “Irina Eliferova Z ".

In addition, she periodically uses “women’s issues” for propaganda purposes, being “the regional coordinator of the party project “Women’s movement of United Russia.”

Since 2022, he has headed the Autonomous non-profit organization for the development of culture, social projects, volunteerism and patriotism “Cultural Code” (ANO “KK”).

Accused of:

1) Conducting propaganda of the aggressive war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine;

2) Ensuring the functioning of the system of state power under the dictatorship of Vladimir Putin through active participation in the activities of the so-called “party of power” of this regime, namely “United Russia”.

Irina Eliferova has been a functionary of United Russia for many years (which received the informal nickname “party of swindlers and thieves”), which is one of the “brace” of the Putin regime. At the moment, Eliferova holds a significant position in the party, supervising “party propaganda” in the capital of the Russian Federation, Moscow.

After the start of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Irina Eliferova actively promotes this war on social networks, organizing gatherings in support of the occupying Russian forces , here is an example of her posts:

“While our soldiers are fighting for peace in Ukraine, we are supporting them in the rear. I sent letters of support to our defenders.

Together with Anna Krasnokutskaya, as part of the campaign “Z for Defenders of the Fatherland,” we handed over to the head of the military-patriotic work department of the Military Commissariat of Moscow, Pavel Duryagin, a mountain of letters, telegrams, postcards and children’s drawings that Muscovites wrote to the soldiers involved in the special operation in Ukraine.

We promised people that every letter would reach its recipients - soldiers and officers, so the military registration and enlistment office will try to send letters to Donbass and Ukraine as soon as possible ...”

Thus, as one of the functionaries of the regime and as a propagandist of the full-scale aggressive war unleashed by the Kremlin in February 2022, Irina Eliferova is responsible for the crimes of this regime, including war crimes related to this aggression.

In addition to the “Putin List”, Irina Eliferova is also included in the “Nuremberg Trial 2.0” database of people who support the war against Ukraine, created by anti-war activists .

Links and materials

Article by Irina Eliferova about “United Russia” in the journal “Bulletin of Perm University”

Telegram channel “Edrenaya Pravda”

Telegram channel “Irina Eliferova Z

An example of a propaganda video by Irina Eliferova

Irina Eliferova’s action in support of the occupying Russian forces

Information about Irina Eliferova in the database of “warmongers” “Nuremberg Trials 2.0”

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