Full name:
Eremin Dmitry Магомет-оглы



Professional field/official position/biography:

An investigator for Particularly Important Cases of the first department of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee for Moscow.

Dmitry Eremin is a member of the investigation team for the Moscow Case, i.e. criminal prosecution of opposition activists who protested against a refusal to register independent candidates at the elections to the Moscow City Duma in 2019. Until August 6, 2019, he was the head of the team.

He took part in the case of Konstantin Kotov as an investigator, accused and convicted under the “Danin Article” (article 212.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, repeated violation of the rules of public assemblies).

Accused of:

Carrying out political repression using his official position. Excess of authority.

Investigator Eremin Dmitry Magomet-oglu became famous for his dubious investigations even before the start of the summer protests in 2019, caused by the declination of independent candidates to run in the elections to the Moscow City Duma.

On February 3, 2018, Vladimir Tor (Kralin), a member of the central committee of the unregistered National Democratic Party, wrote in the social media about a call for interrogation on suspicion of involvement in an “extremist community” under which nationalist Alexander Potkin (Belov) and political strategist Petr Miloserdov previously had been convicted. According to Tor, the captain of justice, an investigator for particularly important cases Dmitry Magomet-oglu Eremin conducted the interrogation, and also the FSB lieutenant colonel Sergey Bondarev from the Service for Protection of the Constitutional Order spoke with him.

Here is how Vladimir Tor described this conversation: “The topic of the conversation was banal, recruitment. They said that I have long been on the blacklist of politicians who are closely monitored by the Cheka. As long as you are a witness, they said, your status can be reviewed and you’d be prosecuted. But if you are careful and signal to the authorities about disturbing trends in the extremist movement, for example, forthcoming crimes and provocations, if you discuss and coordinate plans and actions of both you and your associates, then this will be better and healthier for you.”

The defendants in the case of the “extremist community” (Article 282.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) against the leaders of Russian nationalists were Alexander Belov (Potkin) and Petr Miloserdov and other “unidentified persons.” A part of the case file came to Russia from Kazakhstan, it said that Potkin and a local nationalist allegedly organized a training for the local youth national-patriotic organization and created the “Angry Kazakh” political project to “destabilize the situation in the country” and “create political chaos.” However, the defendants themselves and many observers linked this prosecution with their principal refusal to agitate Russian nationalists for participation in a war against Ukraine.

Eremin also took part in the case of Konstantin Kotov, who was imprisoned for participating in peaceful street rallies and for reposting the information about a rally on Trubnaya Square on July, 19. At the same time, Eremin consistently violated the rights of the defendant, having carried out a preliminary investigation in the Kotov case in three days, and later sending a petition to the court with a request to restrict Kotov from the familiarization with the text of his criminal case. The request said that one day is enough to read the four volumes of the criminal case (1,500 pages) and analyze the audio and video materials attached to them.

Investigator Eremin is a typical example of an executor of political repressions, who not only does what the authorities tell him but also takes a personal, criminal initiative, prosecuting opponents of the ruling regime. In future free Russia, investigative bodies should be cleansed of Eremin and similar zealous executioners of the Putin regime.

Links and materials

Националиста Владимира Тора допросили по делу об экстремизме в отношении Поткина и Милосердова

Еремин Дмитрий Магомет-оглы. Сайт «Московское дело»

Кто ведет дело о «массовых беспорядках». Поименный список

СКР объединил дела о насилии над полицейскими и о массовых беспорядках в одно производство

Космическая скорость развития дела Константина Котова говорит о предвзятости и его заказном характере

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