Full name:
Kovitidi Olga Fedorovna

Date of Birth:
7 May 1962



Professional field/official position/biography:

Member of the Committee of the Federation Council on constitutional legislation and state building, representative from the executive body of state power of the Republic of Crimea. Position before election (appointment): Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea, deputy of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea on a non- permanent basis.

Accused of:

Public support for Russian military aggression against Ukraine. Olga Kovitidi is included in the report "1500 warmongers" compiled by the Free Russia Forum. The report contains the names of Russian public figures, military commanders, members of the parliament, propagandists, artists and athletes who have publicly spoken out in support of Putin's aggression or are directly involved in it. The Free Russia Forum is seeking sanctions against them in the European Union.

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