Full name:
Nikolaeva Yevgenia



Professional field/official position/biography:

Judge of the Basmanny District Court in Moscow (since 2016)

Accused of:

Carrying out political repression using her official position.

Judge Nikolaeva took an active part in the Moscow Case, the politically motivated criminal persecution of the opposition activists and participants in the rallies in support of the unregistered candidates in the elections to the Moscow City Duma in 2019. On August 9, 2019, she ruled on the detainment and imprisonment of Aidar Gubaidulin. On August 12, she sent Valery Kostenko to jail. On September 3, she ordered detention for Nikita Chirtsov. On October 30, she sent Pavel Novikov to jail. On December 12, she sent Mikhail Kvasov to a psychiatric examination.

Judge Nikolaeva also took part in other high-profile cases. On March 28, 2019, the Qualification Collegium of Judges of Moscow found a disciplinary offense in the actions of Judge Yevgenia Nikolaeva and imposed a disciplinary sanction on her in the form of a warning. What exactly served as the basis for disciplinary proceedings was not specified. However, earlier attorneys of the Demiurg IOCA Andrei Perov and Igor Isaev stated that they had faced procedural violations of the rights of the accused and their defenders by the judges of the Basmanny District Court in Moscow. That concerned a criminal case against their client, the first deputy head of Sochi Sergei Yurin, two lawyers from the Krasnodar Territory, Alexei Litvinov and Nikolai Grebenyuk, as well as individuals Alexander Ivanov, Igor Stroganov, Anatoly Rykov, and Andrei Leventyuk. Igor Stroganov was accused of giving a bribe, and the rest - of receiving it. According to the attorneys, the following violations of the law were committed: falsification of a court decision, intentional deprivation of the right to defense, falsification of court records, torture, and extra-procedural communication of judges and the chairman of the court with the investigator. Moreover, they indicated that a decision on one of the requests was made by copying the text of the investigator's decision, that the period of detention was extended in the absence of the investigator's request.

Defense attorneys also indicated that during a court hearing on December 12, 2018, all seven defendants were placed in a double metal cage by personal order from Judge Evgenia Nikolayeva. It was only two square meters in size: for all seven people to fit, a bench was removed from it. In such circumstances, the trial lasted more than three hours. The defendants regularly complained of back pain and that the room was unbearably stuffy and they could barely breathe.

Links and materials

Судья Николаева Евгения Сергеевна на портале Право.ру

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