Full name:
Novikov Yan

Date of Birth:
3 October 1959



Professional field/official position/biography:

General Director, Chairman of the Board and Member of the Board of Directors of JSC Concern VKO "Almaz-Antey", Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC Corporation "Kometa"

Born in 1959 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). In 1977 he graduated from the Leningrad Financial College of the USSR Ministry of Finance. In 1981 he graduated from the Yaroslavl Higher Military Financial School, in 1991 from the Military Finance and Economics Faculty at the State Financial Academy, and in 2005 from the Institute of Economics of Information Technology. Candidate of Economic Sciences, “Honored Economist of the Russian Federation.”

In 1981, he was sent to the Leningrad Military District, where he served in various military units and construction management organizations, including as chief accountant, and served in the Armed Forces of the USSR and the Russian Federation until 1995, after which until 1998, according to official biography, “worked in business structures.” Critics of Novikov note that, while still in service, he established several companies in St. Petersburg: the Starp construction holding, the companies Saturn, Aktiv, and Audit International. It is also known about the creation by Novikov of the municipal enterprise “Vsevolzhsk invest".

From 1998 to 2002, Yan Novikov worked in the Administration of the Leningrad Region, and in 2002 he joined the Almaz-Antey Air Defense Concern OJSC (rumored to be done under the patronage of Viktor Ivanov, the former head of the Federal Service for Drug Control of the Russian Federation), having worked there until 2013 as Deputy General Director (oversaw financial issues), after which he was appointed First Deputy General Director. In March 2014, Yan Novikov became the general director of OJSC Air Defense Concern Almaz-Antey.
“Almaz-Antey” is a Russian state concern that unites enterprises that develop and produce weapons for air and missile defense.

At the same time, as the full-scale war in Ukraine showed, missiles of “anti-aircraft” systems are very often used to strike “ground targets” (in particular, critical infrastructure facilities).

Yan Novikov is also vice-president of the industry association SoyuzMash of Russia.

There is a large amount of information in the media about the allegedly corrupt activities of Yan Novikov and his subordinates according to rather “classical” schemes - a suspicious sale of the concern’s assets, the creation of shell companies to siphon off the concern’s funds, a family business registered in the name of relatives, etc.

In addition, it is reported that close relatives of Novikov and his former leader, Vladislav Menshchikov (who became the head of the Counterintelligence Service of the FSB of the Russian Federation) are running a joint business.

In addition, Novikov’s detractors draw attention to the fact that supposedly “enterprises under the leadership of Yan Novikov can disrupt the state defense order,” and he himself “should not have taken the position of head of the concern, since he is not suitable for a number of necessary parameters, in particular education and work experience ".

Yan Novikov is a member of the United Russia party. He received the title of “Hero of the Russian Federation” in 2022 and has a number of awards, in particular, the “Order of Courage”, “Order of Honor” (“for services in the development of the defense and space industry of Russia”), the medal “For merits in space exploration” (“for special services in space exploration and industrial development).

Accused of:

Ensuring the functioning of the state power system under the dictatorship of Vladimir Putin in the military-industrial complex.

Yan Novikov heads Almaz Antey, one of the main production associations of the Russian defense industry, which produces military missiles that are used daily by the Russian Federation to carry out monstrous attacks on the territory of Ukraine, which, of course, means Novikov’s direct responsibility for the war crimes of the Putin regime, and aggravates this responsibility even compared to many other regime functionaries.

In 2022, for supporting the Russian war against Ukraine, he was included in the sanctions lists of Canada, the USA, Great Britain and Ukraine.

Links and materials

Information about Yan Novikov on the United Russia website

Information about Yan Novikov on the Kompromat.Wiki website

Publication “Yan Novikov and his diamonds in the antheas

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