Video blogger, businessman
SHARY (SHARIJ, SHARIY), Anatoly Anatolyevich (b. 1978) is a Ukrainian pro-Kremlin video blogger, businessman, and propagandist. He is a founder of and a Ukrainian Party of Shariy. He has refugee status and a permanent residence permit in the Republic of Lithuania. In 2012, he fled from Ukraine after being charged with a few criminal offenses (hooliganism, knowingly false denunciation, etc.).
Since 2014, he has been the author of a video blog on YouTube that openly expresses the position of opponents of Ukrainian sovereignty. He is a regular participant in propaganda talk shows on Russian TV channels. Shary has been repeatedly publicly exposed to working for the Kremlin and its agents in Ukraine. He collaborates with Russian media (Moskovsky Komsomolets, Vesti FM, Russia 1, Echo of Moscow, Tsargrad and others). His major activity is denigrating Ukraine and Western democracies.
Links and materials
ФЕЙКИ ШАРИЯ. Как Шарий покрывает убийц украинцев. Часть 1
ФЕЙКИ ШАРИЯ: Разоблачение пропагандиста. Часть 2
Откровения Шария о псковских десантниках оказались заказным фейком
Про-российский блогер назвал жителей Западной Украины людьми второго сорта (ВИДЕО)
Как партию Анатолия Шария возглавила новоросска-сталинистка
Докази роботи на росію голови партії Шарія
Партія Шарія — Антоніна Бєлоглазова за Путіна і Новоросію