Full name:
Zeynalova lrada

Date of Birth:
20 February 1972



Professional field/official position/biography:

TV Presenter

ZEYNALOVA, Irada Avtandilovna was born on February 20, 1972. She is a long-time employee of the Russian Channel One. From 2007 to 2010, she was the Head of the Bureau of Channel One in the UK (London). From March 2011 to June 2012, she was the Head of the Bureau of Channel One in Israel (Tel Aviv). From 2012 to 2015, she worked as a journalist for Channel One, an anchor of the Sunday evening newscast Vremya. In 2016, she started forking for NTV and took part in the annual “Talks with Dmitry Medvedev.” On July 21, 2017, she was one of the hosts of live broadcasts of the program “Non-child Talk With Vladimir Putin” on NTV channel. From 2016, she has been an anchor and host of the Sunday evening newscast Itogi Nedeli (Week Review) on NTV. She prepares reports for this program and conducts interviews.

Accused of:

The implementation of propaganda activities in the interests of the Putin regime, public support for military aggression, the propaganda of hatred and enmity, the dissemination of knowingly false information, and the distortion of facts in the interests of the political leadership of the Russian Federation.

Irada Zeynalova became famous for distributing the infamous story about the “crucified boy” on July 13, 2014, on the newscast of Channel One. It was about a boy being crucified by “Ukrainian fascist punishers” in a town in eastern Ukraine after it had been taken back from the pro-Kremlin insurgents. Subsequently, it turned out that the whole story was fake and was intended to incite enmity against Ukraine.

Irada Zeynalova also publicly supported the annexation of Crimea and denied Russia's aggression in eastern Ukraine. In August 2014, the Ukrainian authorities included the propagandist in the sanctions list.

Links and materials

Tim Wilson: Russia’s NTV channel, fake interviews and Zeynalova

Debunking Lies and Stopping Fakes: Lessons from the Frontline


Статья о Зейналовой на Википедии

Ирада Зейналова — биография, информация, личная жизнь

«Первый канал» оправдался за сюжет о «распятом мальчике»

«Недетский разговор с Владимиром Путиным»: прямая онлайн-трансляция

Под новые санкции ЕС попали Ирада Зейналова и Михаил Гусман

Ирада, иди в ж*пу отсюда!

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